I have very fond memories of going to school. I spent most of my free time in the school library reading history and English poems. I like the smell of books, paper and newly sharpened pencils. Yes, you can call me a nerd, I suppose. Sometimes, I imagine going back in time, just like in the movies, so I can go back to school again. Recently, SoFA Design Institute opened its new campus. Seeing their facilities and neat classrooms made me want to ride the time machine and be a student once again. 'Zipper' cutting ceremony. Charmagne Laconico Michelle Barretto and Pinky Poe Emi Jorge and daughter Alana Loralee Soong, Rissa Mananquil-Trillo and Malu Francisco. Amina Aranaz-Alunan and Randy Ortiz SoFA Dean Toby Guggenheimer and Amina Aranaz-Alunan Gerry Katigbak and his students. * http://sofamanila.com/
by JC Buendia